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15 Holmes St. Mystic, CT (860) 536-7233


At Karma Cleanse, we don’t take a militant approach to anything. We are about living healthy, balanced lives that are easily and enjoyably sustained. Following is our “Manifesto” or lifestyle plan. Use it as a framework, or follow it to a tee, whatever works for you. Just remember every body is different. Love the skin you’re in.

Cleanse With the Change of Seasons
We find that a 3 or 5 Day Cleanse with the change of seasons is just what our bodies need. This seasonal Cleanse allows us to recalibrate, recharge and give our digestive systems a much needed rest.

Day Glow: Juice Once a Week
We are all about enjoying life. We drink wine, and occasionally opt for fries instead of the side salad. Once a week however, (Tuesdays are our favorite day) we Cleanse and consume only raw juice, teas and elixirs. These “Day Glows” put all the other days into perspective. We find life’s indulgences don’t catch up with us or turn into long stretches of unhealthy habits. You’ll be amazed how just one day a week can really make a difference in how you look and feel. Try it for a month. We’re sure you will want to incorporate this practice into your lifestyle plan.

Every day, consume at least 16 ounces of Green Juice, 16 ounces of Green Tea and at least 32 ounces of water.  Yeah, we know that sounds like  “lotsa” liquid!  However, most of us unknowingly suffer from dehydration and our bodies pay the price with dry dull skin, constipation, bloating, and fatigue. Thirst is also mistaken for hunger, so proper hydration aids in weight loss. Green Juice hydrates our bodies with live enzymes and is arguably the most alkaline forming substance you can consume. Green tea is also alkalizing, rich in antioxidants, and helps rid the liver and body of accumulated waste. Daily hydration is crucial to feeling and looking your best. Experts believe disease cannot thrive in an alkaline body. Stay hydrated. Stay green. Stay healthy.

Make time to sweat everyday, even if it is just for 20 minutes.  Do something you enjoy not something you must force yourself to do. Don’t get us wrong we aren’t saying not to challenge yourself. Rather, do something that keeps you committed. Walk, run, dance, bike, do yoga, weight train, play kickball with your kids! Whatever makes you feel good and keeps you keeping on! Too often get caught up in the latest fitness craze believing if we don’t dead lift to beat the clock, or suffer through a hot yoga class we won’t achieve the fitness we desire. Not true. Consistency is far more important than a week of Insanity workouts followed by a “forget that” attitude.

“Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants”
We have to admit, we have a mad crush on Michael Pollan, the amazing author, foodie and environmental activist. So, we stole this from him. Eat mostly plants, whole, real food and try to avoid edible food-like substances. Having lived in extremes we have found that letting quality be our guide is best. Think about eating a clean wholesome diet 80% of the time. Compliment that lifestyle with regular Cleansing and daily Green Juice and you’re good to go.

Embrace the “20%”
If you’re eating a healthy clean diet and flooding your body with our amazing juices, teas and elixirs 80% of the time DO NOT, we repeat, DO NOT beat yourself up for the 20%. If you’re going to have a piece of cake, have it! Eat it! Enjoy it! Do not feel guilty! Our minds have an incredible influence on our bodies. If we think it will make us fat and feel awful, chances are it probably will. However, if we eat it slowly and enjoy it knowing we’ve got Green Juice waiting for us, then all is right with the world!

Slow Down
This is really very important. Slow down and really enjoy what you are putting into your mouth. Too often we propel ourselves through life at a hectic pace. We eat fast, on the run, and often under stress. This removes the pleasure we derive from food and wreaks havoc on our metabolism. When we slow down, we actually eat less and get more enjoyment out of our food.

Be Kind
Not only to others and  the planet, but to yourself as well. We are our own worst critics. It is truly amazing how our bodies respond when we treat them with kindness. Remember, every body is different! Love the skin you’re in!