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15 Holmes St. Mystic, CT (860) 536-7233

Why Cleanse

The Dirt

One meal can take up to eighteen hours to digest. That means our bodies are constantly working just to digest the food we eat. Add to the mix the fact that so much of our food today is processed, factory farmed and genetically modified, it is no wonder we become fatigued, gain weight and feel sluggish. What can we do? We can give them a break. A short, three or five day cleanse will allow your body to shift it’s energy from digesting food and processing toxins to rebuilding cells, strengthening your immune system and flushing away accumulated waste. A clean, hydrated body functions more efficiently. It becomes vibrant and energized. Don’t be surprised if people comment on your “glow”. They’ll see it, but more importantly, you’ll feel it.

 The Skinny

Ironically, fat is our friend when it comes to protecting our vital organs. Fat cells act as bodyguards absorbing toxins found in our food and environment. This is why many people have difficulty losing weight. Not because they are eating too much, but because their bodies are toxic. When we cleanse, we effectively remove toxins. Fat cells are no longer needed for protection and many people see a reduction in excess fat and cellulite. It is important to keep in mind however, your body must stay adequately hydrated and alkalized to flush toxins and fat cells keep at bay. Consuming green juice on a regular basis is perfect for balancing ph levels, flushing toxins and keeping your skinny jeans in regular rotation.